Are gay men more attractive than straight men on average, or is that just liberal propaganda?

it more has to do with the somatic orientation culturally. black people are much more in touch with their pelvis somatically as a culture, so like even something like walking looks pretty different. think about how black guys who sag their pants tend to walk vs. like a gingham-top-button-buttoned and skinny jeans white guy, the postural attunement is completely different.

this is again cultural, so you could see a white guy who grew up around mostly black people and they'll dress differently and walk pretty differently too. and obama dances like a white dude. or like adam deitch, that dude is one of the hardest groovers alive and he sits like a black dude on the drums. you can see it really noticeably in drumming imho. But that's why you don't see a lot of black punk drummers either, white bodies are typically much better for that kind of sound cuz it's all limbs and brute force vs more pelvic centered playing.

i personally agree with the theory that this is due to pelvic dissociation from white people's colonial trauma and other traumas of the many many many european wars of conquest. and due to the fact like, white culture makes you wear shit like skinny jeans and sit in chairs all the time and eat with utensils v. like an eastern or african mode that is much more about sitting on the ground and eating with your hands more often than you'd find in european cultures.

i think it also just has to do with the geography--when you're living for generations on hilly ass territory you might have more limb movement to keep balance. but you look at like sherpas and mongolian dudes and they're way different in how they move so obviously there's a lot more going on.

but yeah, i belong to this facebook group "Ancestral Movement" that's all about kind of relearning how to move. there was this video of this white guy taking on a west african tribesman in a footrace, the white dude was all limbs flopping all over and the african dude was like barely moving (all ass and pelvis) but smoked him.

i haven't really studied latin somatic cultures, only like white ppl, black ppl, and asian cultures. but i don't know a lot about it.

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