What are you fixating on/venting about/worried about/need support with today ? [Megathread] - February 27, 2022

Struggled with HA off and on for 20+ years. It had gotten better for quite a few years until 2020 when my mom died of ovarian cancer. Genetic tests were negative for both her and I but that still didn’t help with my fears. Had an ultrasound of my one remaining ovary since I had a hysterectomy and nothing is there. I finally let some of that fear go but recent flareup of hemorrhoids and IBS has me going down the rabbit hole of colon cancer this week. Haven’t been feeling well today and therefore have been laying down and on my phone a lot. My right hand has been twitching for the last hour and a half and of course my brain went right to ALS out of nowhere. I feel like people who don’t have health anxiety would never understand and my worries and fears sound ridiculous. Usually I can talk myself out if these thoughts but I notice with increased stress in my life lately they are worse.

/r/HealthAnxiety Thread