What are you fixating on/venting about/worried about/need support with today ? [Megathread] - April 15, 2022

Been stressing 24/7 about a few lymph nodes swollen. I'm young so I know I shouldn't be too concerned, but still.

I have either a very hard lump near my mastoid process behind my ear, which is either a very swollen node or asymmetry in my skull, honestly can't tell.

I've also got a fairly hard (but slightly moveable) rubbery deep knot on left side of my neck. Mostly likely a node but feels like a muscle knot almost. Not too big but I can feel it pretty easy but not see it. Does not feel like a pea or grape though so I really have no idea how to process it's size.

Both have been there for months. Can't tell if they've grown but I don't think so.

I've had to take a lot of time off work for seeing a urologist/gastroenterologist and have more time off soon for a colonoscopy. I feel like a pyscho setting up yet another apt for these and really don't want to tell my manager I am taking even more time off.

/r/HealthAnxiety Thread