Yes. I have a personal story. So about a year ago I had caught an STD (chlamydia) from someone who told me they were clean (very first time unprotected). I had gone to the gyn for my PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and they did STD testing regardless. Well nobody had called me back and it sat for a whole month and started to really effect me with urine incontinence and it burned 24/7. Well after that lets just say my obsession over my heart and liver health dissipated and I became disgustingly obsessed over my reproductive health. I got tested 2 times and was clean and I ended up watching Precious and For Colored Girls and both women had been tested positive for HIV.... Well guess who took this as a sign and literally became physically sick and cried myself to sleep for weeks because I was CONVINCED I have HIV despite being tested and clean 2 times. I was postive they had switched the lab work and I was sick. I didnt let anyone touch me, literally was borderline suicidal because how sick I had become obsessing over it. I got tested for a 3rd time to calm my stress, came back negative again. I had been fine after the first 2 times getting tested, but after watching those movies, it triggered something subconsciously. Im well aware HIV is manageable now, but just the idea that I blindly could have altered my entire future... Absolutely spiraled me out of control. I still get tested every 6 months with and without partners.