Are you pro-life or pro-choice and why?

Pro-choice. There are so many options to use when it comes to birth control. And if for some reason you don’t have access to any form of birth control before you have sex, DON’T HAVE SEX! Simple as that folks! You are aware that there is a possible chance you’ll get your partner pregnant (or yourself if you’re a girl), so why even consider having sex when you have no condom or any other form of control? Are y’all that horny? Most abortions occur because people are just fucking stupid - literally. It’s maddening to think some people decide to have abortions near the end of their first trimester. Just have safe sex people. However, I do think that if a woman’s life is endangered by her pregnancy/ or if the pregnancy is causing serious health complications, abortion should be an option. In the case of rape, I also think women should have the option to terminate their pregnancy.

/r/AskReddit Thread