We are real people who work in Parks and Recreation. AMA

We do not know who oversees Central Park in NY.

What does it really entail? Running and maintaining city parks and city league sports... Perhaps it doesn't sound like a lot, but its a year round division of the city that takes a large amount of people to accomplish.

Each city will be different, of course, but to put it into numbers; we run over 300 recreation programs each year. Programs can have only few to a few hundreds participants each season. Each program may have instructors or coaches, score keepers and refs, assistant coaches and supervisors. Each of these 300 programs have schedules and all need a place to hold their classes/games/events. This turns into thousands of children AND their parents with questions, concerns, issues, complaints. On top of this, you have to consider that it all takes money and we all need to make sure we don't run out. Things break, new equipment is needed, gyms need maintenance, base ball fields need new dirt. The list goes on. In the mean time, we are constantly looking for ways to save money, find money, and use money. And we only have 8 hours in a day.

When you say, 'besides maintenance', it can sound like someone just mows the lawn and keeps things cleaned up, so I will address that as well. Lets assume you have 60 parks. 365 days a year gives you about 6 days for each park (not even counting holidays and weekends). Each park requires weekly, if not daily maintenance. After one season of soccer, the field could be destroyed without maintenance. After a week of bad rain, the base ball field could be wiped out without maintenance. My point is, maintenance is a HUGE part of our job. You're always playing catch up.

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