Plague Inc. is 10 years old today! I’m the creator of Plague Inc. and Rebel Inc. Ask me anything!

Do you feel, in any way, strange in how predictably the pandemic unfolded?

For context, I am a bit weirded out by how predictable things were. By chance, and I think Reddit recommendation as a great offline iOS game, played Plague Inc. a lot with my wife in 2019 summer. The pandemic unfolded so predictably for us. Once a certain threshold in cases, regional spread and death rate breached it was so clear the world was in big trouble. With some easy math the total death numbers we have now was easy to ballpark, and that was in mid-February 2020.

Haven’t been able to play the game since the pandemic started. It is difficult with the number of death being more real, but really thankful for having somewhat of an understanding of disease dynamics for playing the game.

/r/IAmA Thread Parent