Why are you sad?

Mostly depression. My cat ran away during my vacation this weekend, me and my girlfriend of 1.5 years broke up, got into a fight with my parents and my dad told me mid fight that they were thinking about selling the house and told me good luck finding a place to live so I moved out to a friend's basement, (I wasn't able to pay rent on time due to not budgeting correctly because I just starting this new job and I get paid bi-weekly instead of weekly like I was used to) and one of my best friends who i considered a brother died early this year due to alcoholism. The guilt of not being there for him enough has been mostly constant and I felt guilty about having any kind of fun for months after, and I know it's not healthy yet it still lingers. But I just don't know what to do anymore. I miss my friend so much, I wish I had never drank with him nor had never picked up a bottle of alcohol. I know a lot of people say this about their best friends, but he really was the realest, most down to earth, warm, and caring person I knew but his home life was something I think was so bad/toxic yet used to, that he didn't know how to get out of the situation, get better, or find help since he would politely but firmly decline ours. Some days are okay, but others I have zero motivation to do anything. I feel like I've let down everyone close to me including myself.

/r/AskReddit Thread