Why are there no incursions into Russia to destroy their infrastructure?

This is why those of us with actual training and experience don’t listen to the advice of civilians who get their “expert opinions” from the news. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

First, the Russians ARE on the defensive in many areas, after the Ukrainians utilized a brilliant elastic defense-in-depth at the beginning of the war, stretching our Russia’s forces and supply lines, they began counterattacking in some areas and retaking territory. But Ukraine is a massive country, and the fight it not going the same way in every region. Additionally, 8 months of war have exhausted much of the manpower and resources of both sides, turning this into a war of attrition, with neither side possessing the capability to make exceedingly large gains at the moment.

Next, who the hell is “we”? If you mean NATO, then you might want to sit down and be quiet. There is absolutely no reason or genuinely intelligent incentive for us to Place troops on the ground in Ukraine, which would give the Russians the justification they want for declaring war on the alliance and threatening not only the rest of Eastern Europe, but potentially all of us, being the world’s largest nuclear power. The concept of Mutually Assured Destruction relies on the assumption that all sides are RATIONAL actors, and I doubt anyone thinks Putin is matching up with that. We can continue helping the Ukrainians and harming the Russians while keeping this war contained.

In the future, maybe don’t try to come off as a military expert if you’ve never served in the military.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread