Argument at Memorial Day festival leads to 1 person fatally shot, 7 others injured

Gun violence is a growing problem in this country, and I genuinely feel this year that solutions are coming. It's long overdue, but the wheels do appear to be turning on federal legislation. If congress doesn't budge, the voters will let the government know how they feel, and state governments will likely pass their own laws.

However, it goes without saying that the media also plays a role in the U.S gun debate.

IMO, if the media equally prioritized coverage of mass shootings, with coverage of citizens who used their weapons to stop a mass shooting, it could provide the American public with visible examples of the "good guy / good gal" with a gun scenario in real life.

It may even convince skeptical members of the American public, that being armed can indeed save your life or the life of someone else.

Recent Example Below:

[BBC News: Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia]


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