Its Armed Forces Flag Day! Support our brave men and women, donate to the fund!

First of all, tone down your language. I don't need your garbage mind spewing filth at me.

Cant. This is a public thread. I can say what I feel. If it hurts your feefees close the browser. disconnect your Wifi and cower in you room. I don't care. Now that's aside,

Your entitled mindset of your taxes covering their salary is like the petty people who go around yelling at police saying that they pay their salary. ROFLMAO.

WTF man? Are you insane. You think this is some sort of an insult at me? Kek. ITs the literal fact. Without my tax they have to literally starve. Facts don't care for Feefees. I don't care if its the police or the army or the sewage cleaners. I give them all the same respect as they all exist to serve the society which they get paid for by the society. Considering the benefits the army gets, Id be more inclined to donate to bus drivers and sewage cleaners anyway that the entitled army.

Am sure you aren't even part of a tax bracket that truly contributes anything worthwhile.

Kek. My yearly gross revenue is 1.5 crores. Im sure the protection the army offers to me is not even worth 50 rs per year. If I could id defund the army like all European states. Army shouldn't get more than 1% of the GDP. Id rather spend my money on truly struggling people. not these entitles twats who live in their own quarters with all facilities offered with a big fat discount to them.

Anyway kiddo, I don't mind the personal attacks, but do add some points on substance. Your whole 4 line post is a giant personal attack.

You never disagreed with the entitlement and benefits they already receive and the fact is joining the army is voluntary. Try addressing them you idiot. kek

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