US Army unlikely to hit 2018 recruitment goal

I wanted to join the military when I was a kid. I really did. I had family members who served and I looked up to them.

But I don't know how I possibly could serve with any confidence in the mission. The last half a century has been spent dramatically ramping up the military and involving it in conflict after conflict that we never should have been involved in, where lives were wasted for absolutely no gain to the people of the United States.

I couldn't possibly stomach knowing that something like Trump was commander-in-chief. Or that I would be deployed to a blasted foreign land to serve the selfish whims of Dick Chenyney and work to make the world a demonstrably worse and less-safe place.

The people who serve are good people. But they have been profoundly misled. Their loyalty is grievously misplaced. And we need to throughly clean out our leadership so that our military are not abused by these monsters in future generations.

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