The Art of the Bore: Why Women Don't Marry Alphas

This is a mess, man.

Life-long alimony Almost never happens.

Not even a guarantee that she'll stay faithful? Or that he will. Humans are imperfect and prone to breaking their word. Adultery isn't gendered.

A 60% divorce rate? Not even close, and it's been declining for years now.

A dead bedroom? Most married men have more sex (and report more satisfying sex) than single men. Same goes for women. Marriage increases the amount and quality of sex for most people.

why buy the cow when i could get the milk for free, right? Indeed. Why should I take on the responsibility of caring for a husband, in sickness and in health and all that, when I, as a woman, have easy access to as much sex as I want? Oh, wait. You meant women are the cows. Because you're not a misogynist at all.

Marriage only works when a woman has only had one partner throughout her entire life-- her husband. There is no evidence that this is true outside the fevered imaginations of Red Pillers because you believe in fairy tales.

Why would i want that? Nobody cares if you don't want it. Literally nobody cares if you never get married. Particularly not in this sub.

The risk of STDs from a woman who was probably promiscuous in her youth? ...Is all conjecture and anyway something that can be tested for at any medical clinic. What about the risk of STDs adulterous males bring to a married woman?

Bring impersonal objectivity and logic There is little logical, objective, or even supported by evidence in your entire comment. Your entire comment is literally a thinly disguised disgust reaction at the idea that women might have sex with someone other than you, and disgust is an emotion and has nothing to do with objective logic. That's fine and all--hardly anyone can help their disgust reactions, but you are not what you believe yourself to be, and it doesn't fool us.

/r/TheBluePill Thread Parent