The Asian girl forcing a smile in the background of this video slays me

Do you even know what mocking means? It has a negative connotation, meaning it's to laugh at something, instead of trying to imitate as close as possible, which is what you suggested to, to act like the woman in the video (which you admitted you haven't even watched...).

So you have the reading comprehension and logical abilities of a middle school child.

To begin, "r" in most Chinese dialects is nothing like the English "r" sound. Meiguo ren ... the r gets a funny roll to it that's difficult for western speakers.

You literally exactly said that Americans cannot pronounce the Chinese R. What is your point even?

Which is what I said. Maybe try harder next time and actually read what the fuck you're replying to. If you'd note, each syllable starts with L. Show me a word where a syllable ends in L. Oh, you can't? Because that's not how syllables work in most Chinese languages.

That is true, but I don't see why it's a problem when the L can be perfectly pronounced? I don't have problem with the L pronounciation at all, and neither does my family, and I doubt any random Chinese citizen would have problem with pronouncing the L. The word "gorilla" is just hard to pronounce in general... But that doesn't mean Chinese people cannot pronounce the L...

That's cute. A "real" Chinese person. You're so unique and special...

Oh, trying to change the subject? You fucking know what my point is. You're trying to get credentials by saying that you have a "Shanghainese wife", so when I say I'm Chinese, all of the sudden I'm trying to be "special"? Okay, Mr. Special Snowflakes, congrats on marrying a Chinese? See how stupid your argument is?

you worthless piece of assuming shit

Hah, that's fucking hilarious, since you typed shit like this:

Pretty sure I know quite a bit more about it than either of you, given that the poster is only partially correct.

I'm guessing you're the type to pronounce words like a moron.

Just stop your rambling. You went as far to post your wife to prove to a random internet stranger how knowledgeable you are (while failing and ranting like a mad man). I can't even understand how you're supposed to be an adult with a kid when you're being angry, calling people dicks and whatnot.

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