50 Canadian Senators Call for a Minimum Basic Income

How are you getting $1400? It's $2000 via AE+/CERF. That's my benefits.

Furthermore, it's $600 USD per week. That's CA$850. That US$600 is added as an extra to the employment insurance (typically US$800-1200/month). So, US$3200-3600 or CA$4525-5100.

Far enough they're getting twice more than we do, but we always have healthcare (without premium, deductibles, out of pocket payments).

However, people gets that extra US$600 if they already qualified for employment insurance. If you're a student, you're fucked. And some other groups that aren't eligible and cannot work for reasons.

The main flaw: it's just you didn't present and research the facts your argument and calculations very well.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - ubiworks.ca