Asmon actually hit the nail here

They certainly sound the same from a step back point of view.

They definitely have different drum tracks, with different tempos instruments patterns beats.

The final fantasy 14 track doesn't even use drums that don't hit hard on bass, there's no snare at all.

The guitar chords are very different

The intro is a very similar. Again the 14 version has much much more bass in it though

Vocally they do both say the words taking over. Which I don't know the theme behind the powerman song, but for sephirots theme that does make sense

I I'm pretty sure it's just the guitars having a very similar 2 chord progression at one point during the guitar playing, and the vocals having a couple words that are used in both songs that sets people off into thinking they're straight ripping them of

Or maybe I'm wrong and a Japanese video game developer was really into one hit wonder American industrial metal from the 90s

/r/Asmongold Thread