Hogwarts Legacy | Girlfriend Reviews

It's amazing that you call someone a close-minded cunt and then go on to argue the point by using YouTube reviews and still believe yourself to be the reasonable one here.

I've watched both of those videos before, and I like both of the channels too. Nothing they say is a good argument for calling the writing lazy, though.

I also hope you appreciate the irony of saying I'm "incapable of understanding how someone can disagree" while also trying very hard to convince me I'm wrong. Maybe you could do with some more self-awareness?

Besides, I'm well aware people can disagree, I'm just confident they are entirely wrong. Anyone who thinks this is story is just saying "revenge bad" is so laughably media illiterate that it's a miracle they believe themselves qualified to accuse writers of being lazy.

That's like a picky eater accusing someone of being a bad cook. It's fine to not like how something tastes, but don't accuse the cook of doing a bad job if your palate rejects anything that isn't french fries, pizza or mac n cheese.

/r/Asmongold Thread Parent Link - youtube.com