Atheists who had a religion , what made you stop believing?

I can give you another reason. I used to be an atheist, but i've recently started believing in God. I've always considered religion as a way of replacing science with some useless and meaningless beliefs, a way of manipulating masses, leading them to focus on the future, grand, divine project, instead of focusing on the present. And i actually still do so. What I've changed my mind on is a most general view of religion, a view which has nothing to do with all the existing religions (e.g. Christianism, buddhism, islamism, etc) and which, instead, focuses on understanding what actually is a religion, and why did humans need to believe in something in the first place. The first question is quite easy to answer: religion is a "system of behaviours and practices which relate humanity to an order of existence". But the second question is what really got me thinking: why do humans need religion? I thought about this for quite a while, and i recently managed to come up with a satisfying answer. Now, imagine this: you're one of the first evolved humans to walk on this earth, you're living your life peacefully, moving from a place to another, followed by your family. A member of your family dies. You're full of despair, you feel hopeless, and you wish they were right there next to you. What's the only thing you could do to bring them at your side? Imagining they were at your side. By doing this, you'd havd felt happy again, relieved at the idea of them doing just fine, even after death. So humans started to develop the concept of "soul". Then the concept of "hell" and "heaven" came along. Then the concept of "God", the one controls hell and heaven, was created. Obviously, differeng groups of people started to imagine these things in different ways, ideas diverged, and many different religions were born. After i had given an answer to these two questions, i thought: if religions had been developed throughout the centuries as a way of humans of being able to remain peaceful and calm in front of the negative and the rather obscure and enigmatic aspects of life, why isn't each one of us creating their own "religion"? And that's what i did. So I started thinking about answers i could give to my own "existential questions". I've found most of the answers i was looking for in science (i won't talk about all the questions i had), but one question had no answer to it but "God". The question was: "who created science?", or, more generally,"Who invented gravity?" "Who invented light?" "Who decided that water must be composed of hydrogen and oxygen?" And why "hydrogen" and "oxygen"?".

What do you think?

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