This is the attitude we should take when it comes to these fucks

I know what the right has been playing as a boogeyman is the evil of socialism since before I've been alive, but I have also seen very clearly over the course of my life that every time the right brings out a boogeyman, they first misrepresent their chosen scapegoat, then copy that misrepresentation precisely while claiming their own misbehavior as justified by the boogeyman.

They've been teaching you to think that socialism is the boogeyman, but fascism is the only organized conspiracy looking to overthrow global democracy.

True socialism isn't a top-down replacement of private ownership with government ownership, but a bottom-up retention of ownership among the working class. This doesn't require a conspiracy to come about, nor is it in any way incompatible with democracy (as fascism is, thus Trump needing to fight against the natural order of democracy to try and win illegitimately).

If you want to see true socialism, look at worker-owned corporations. The people who do the work being the same people who take home an investment in the value their labor produced. That's it. Not a handout from everyone else, just not being robbed by your boss, because you work for a group that includes yourself.

The only people afraid of that outcome are the oligarchs. The only way to retain their oligarchy in the face of a truly democratic economy is to destroy democracy.

Fascism is the NWO. Get used to it.

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