Australians of Reddit, what is the scariest encounter you've had with one of the native animals?

When I was 10 I went to have a shower before bed. I noticed that there was a spider nest above the shower - essentially a white sack attached to the ceiling.

I told my mum that i didn’t want to have a shower because I could see the baby spiders - tiny 2mm long spiders - moving around beneath the white sack. She thought I was making it up, or just trying to get out of showering, and demanded I hurry up, despite my protests.

With no other option, I decided to use bug spray on the sack so that they’d at least be dead.

Big mistake.

Cut to me in the shower as 100s of dead baby spiders “abseil” on their webs down to the showering 10 yo me below.

/r/AskReddit Thread