Bad Empanada having a totally normal not-racist non-genocidal one.

No, you’re just wrong.

First of all he ignored Western polls that said that a majority of Russians of Crimea didn’t want to actually join Russia even though they are pro-Russian, then he uses polling from after the annexation that is extremely biased. The point is that non of this matters since Russia illegally annexed a piece of sovereign territory from a country.

I honestly don’t trust him because if you haven’t seen Dylan Burns did a breakdown of BE’s Taiwan take and it basically ended up being a pro-Chinese invasion of Taiwan stance, since he wants the US to stop supporting Taiwan.

I’m telling you BE’s anger at leftists is making his main channel videos lose quality, I agree with his Israel takes but his whole argument that Vaush is some kind of liberal zionist is just so dumb that I finally stopped watching him completely.

/r/VaushV Thread Parent