I Don’t Speak German had SophieFromMars on and it was bad…

It’s so fucking weird because like, I like the guy but I have criticisms of him too. I think that sometimes he can be lazy, stubborn and gets involved in too much internet drama but the people who hate him always have to make it about something else. They always have to try to make him seem like he’s dangerous or bigoted or something like that. Why can’t you just say that he says a lot of stupid shit and that his impulsiveness and tendency to shoot his mouth off is a problem? Why do you have to pretend that he’s a racist while he has hours and hours of content laying out the case against racism? This isn’t the same as Stefan Molyneux saying “I’m not racist…” and then defends the concept of an ethnostate, he has all these hours of content showing very clearly why racism is wrong both morally and logically but apparently that doesn’t matter. Funnily enough getting angry about someone not being PC enough or not being deferential enough to POC while being a dedicated anti-racist is exactly what a lot of liberal identity politics 101.

/r/VaushV Thread Parent