Shoeonhead is spreading lies about Rebekah Jones' son by only showing a REDACTED warrant given by Florida police which doesn't show accounts that are posted in the chat when it seems that the son had a different account than the one posting the "threats".

How does the unredacted report seem sketchy? I’m sure the whole police department is in the pocket of DeSantis and so are the 12 and year old kids that reported her son. This is ridiculous

Jones has lied since the beginning of this ordeal. Blatantly lying and obfuscating the most basic facts. Claimed her son got arrested at her house and “kidnapped”(she turned him in). The single meme about cops she claimed was the reason he got arrested wasn’t even in the report. Jones is not a mentally well individual and it’s shown even before this. Now she’s using her own son’s mental issues to grift.

Her son gets arrested for threats about shooting up a school and she tries to fundraise off of it. Red flags everywhere.

After winning by 20 points and about to probably announce his presidential run, why the fuck would he give a shit about Jones?

/r/VaushV Thread Parent Link -