
Hilarious, but I can't say surprising since I'm familiar with Scientology. He/she/it should probably tell this to their doctor and go from there.

Gotta preserve for intelligence purposes.

Since it has been widely demonstrated that the mind of a psychopath or sociopath is also well-adapted to attaining positions of power through manipulation, gas-lighting, lying about facts/figures and insisting they're true, behaving in a way that silences any dissent....

Why the hell do we not give our 'leaders' such a battery? Hell, we're trusting our entire country and livelihoods with these people, and not once is their mental fortitude assessed or brought into question. It's the most important job in the country, yet there are more regulations for applying to be a machine-operator or driver.

As we make progress in Science, shouldn't our methods be changed and improved to reflect our progress? Or do we all love worshiping tradition so much that we would sooner hand over leadership to some certifiably insane person than mess with "the way things have always been"?

What's the point of discovering new information when the current system has no place for improvement or progress?

Why do we bother teaching our kids social studies and history? There comes a point where politics are no longer just a matter of opinion - that point is when there are psychopaths gaming the system. Then it is not just an opinion, it is a clear fact that an entire nation is being played like a chump.

How do you average-joe adults teach your kids good values and morals, and tell them not to lie or hurt, when those very behaviours are being rewarded by the more powerful adults running the show? What's the point of teaching your children not to lie when your dear glorious leader sustains himself on that very thing? How do you teach your kids to respect all humans, when your glorious leader has decided that all humans aren't equal and happily lies, cheats, scams and shits all over the system that is supposedly sacred? Are Canadians that gullible? If so, then our education system definitely needs some sprucing up, so our future generations won't be as dumb as the present ones. What's the point of having all the facts in front of us when we let psychopaths dictate our future? Is that the Canadian way?

Apathy is a scary trend - what happens when the disgruntled young health worker (who got screwed over by the adults in terms of cost of education, lack of affordable housing, shitty working conditions/pay, poor infrastructure) decides to follow your example and be just as apathetic when it comes to changing your catheter?

Later on, in reply to somebody who appears to be within the normal range:

Thank you for replying - perhaps then the vetting process is impotent and needs to be re-examined.

My post might seem inflammatory, but it is really an honest question. Your current leader is a megalomaniac - It showed right away when he chose to spend millions rebranding the country rather than doing his job.

Canada doesn't need a BRAND - it's not a sport shoe. Your butler doesn't need to advertise for you - he just needs to do his job (i.e public servant). Your current leader is treating your beloved country like a commodity.

If you repeatedly lied at your job - e.g. saying you washed your hands before flipping burgers, but then are caught (repeatedly on camera) not doing'd get fired. Even though you took the aptitude/entrance test when you were hired.

Why is it that the Prime Minister of this country is still where he is, even though he has been found in contempt of Parliament? A burger-flipper gets treated with more scrutiny than the leader of an entire nation. What is up with that?

Why is it that the Prime Minister of this country is allowed to lie when there is actual fact and hard evidence showing that everything that he says is made-up, untrue and directly harmful to the well-being of this country and its citizens?

Isn't your PM being a terrorist by terrorizing Canadians and foreigners alike with his psychopathic tendencies? How can any self-respecting Canadian stand by as their leader resorts to what is basically childish name-calling and hitting based on appearance, age and ethnicity? Is that how Canadians raise their kids? Are those Canadian values? It's as if there a 2 sets of laws in this country.

I ask these things because I am honestly VERY confused and concerned about your country (the place I choose to love and call home), and its priorities. You guys seem nice, but then how can you guys let stupid things like this happen?

I am truly amazed at the levels of ridiculousness that is allowed in your governance - from idiots spewing uneducated garbage denying climate change, to mass firing and silencing of scientists and academics, to the child-molestor guy (who actually impregnated his underaged nanny) who is now actually a goddamn judge?!?!?!

WTF Canada? Is it time to change your name to Bizzaro-Land? Where up is down and wrong is right, and you can diddle kids as long as you are friends with the right people?

/r/metacanada Thread Link -