Ban on marijuana users owning guns is unconstitutional, U.S. judge rules

In Australia I’ve heard from acquaintances in politics that that until there’s an agreed equivalent to the BAC test used to identify drunk drivers - recreational use will never be legal here.

I find it so frustrating. Because we can see traffic data from California and Colorado and other legal states in the US that accidents have not increased from having stoners on the road. If anything - traffic data shows a decrease in accident frequency and severity - because opiate and benzodiazepine users who drive relatively legally are likely to decrease dose or frequency of use as they swap for marijuana - which has a decreased likelihood of accident and decreased typical severity when accidents occurs

The fixation on how much THC affects drivers is only part of the picture. People drive impaired all the time. Tired, stressed, needing to shit or piss, on prescription medications that are legal to drive with. The list goes on and on. But marijuana users are likely to make different choices. Swapping out rX meds are obvious - but changes to emotional response to stress makes people more likely to stop and use the bathroom. Makes people more likely to stop and grab a nap. Makes people more likely to drive calmly even when they’re running late. More likely to stop for a nap instead of pushing through. Etc. and we know from years of traffic data that legalisation doesn’t increase risk or harm to road users.

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