Barack Obama Is Returning to Politics to Fight Gerrymandering

That brainwash

So you want Obama. A man that's put us 10 trillion more in debt. Left weapons and vehicles.. Military vehicles behind for isis to use against our enemies. Caused more manufacturing jobs in the US to leave. Are you working with Isis because your hoping for another Christmas gift from obama to leave behind more weapons?

You approve of obama trying to take out 200 million on his last day in office that Trump had to freeze?

You approve all of that. Just because trump wants everyone in the lower class to get into the middle class by giving us more jobs... better wages and reduced taxes. A man that's spoke for over 25 years and it's on youtube of how in trouble our nation is in and knew everything that was going to happen before it happened. A man that gave up his billionaire life style just so he can deal with POS like you that mock war heroes that died for our country. Your Hilary democrat made fun of a navy seal, Ryan that died because the wife was being honored along with Ryan... in front of the whole nation. A true honor

But you evil lefts only think of evil reasons. Because you are evil. You attack citizens in the streets. Hold up flags of other nations in the streets and attack your own citizens for following their own amendment right. #resist.... what a joke. So you want another civil war? You're a plague to this plant. The few that are still follow the brainwash media and don't listen to a real facts. Keep following fake sources

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