Barbers, stylists, hairdressers of reddit, has anyone ever sat in your chair with a head so nasty that you didn't even want to touch them? What is your horror story?

As someone with psoriasis: :(

I assume you're from across the pond, but in the US lately there have been a lot of commercials advertising psoriasis medication. While I don't agree with advertising prescription meds, I do like how it's actually become a topic of conversation lately. Before I was diagnosed 12 years ago I had never heard of it, had I seen someone with my condition I don't know what I would have thought.

Only in the past couple years have I become comfortable enough to wear shorts. It is pretty much only on my legs, and for years I simply did not wear shorts. I would play golf in 100 degree in long pants. I finally realized that I looked stupider doing that than I did with some red patches on my legs. And guess what? Nobody cared. And on top of that, sunlight is the best thing for it! I realize I went off on a bit of a tangent there, but if you're reading this and you're embarrassed by your psoriasis, take note: nobody gaf. if they do gaf, f em. and the less you gaf, the greater your life will be.

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