Bathroom fan blades from non-smoker vs smoker

There are better ways for sure to kill yourself. I used to smoke 2 packs a day when i was 12 because i was determinded to kill yself. My mom and her boyfriend were both heavy smokers so they never even noriced what i was doing. It was right after my brother and father died. I saw what my mom was doing and i decided that if she was going to kill herself smoking, i would too. It may not be the most logical or well thought out thing but to be honest i never planned on making it to 18 so it didnt matter. People start smoking for all sorts of reasons, but a lotof kids doit because theyre depressed or suicidal. Ive since quit and havent smoked in almost three years, but i can still remember how hopeless i felt when i picked up my first pack and started smoking. I think the real reason i started smoking though was because i wasmt really ready to die. Now that ive gotten better, im glad i decided to smoke instead of downing a bottle of pills.

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