It's been a lot of little things recently. I should delete this because complaining=bad=gonna hurt some fee-fee's.

No. This would not fly in my house. My husband and I have three girls and he would never ever ever ever ever ever E V E R treat us like what you described above.

Your man sounds unworthy of you by leagues. Stop begging for his love by being more and more of a door mat. Stand up for yourself.

Woman, if you have any momma bear in you it's time to uncage that majestic creature. Because your partner needs to be verbally mauled by you. You need to wrap your powerful jaws around his dumb meat face and go bananas....y'know verbally.

I almost never ever advocate on losing your temper, but I want you to. I want you to stop doing his laundry and making his food. I want you to cancel the wifi and upgrade your personal phone data. I want you to fart on his pillowcase and rub his favorite coffee cup on the sweatiest part of your body available. Like, don't do any of that, but I'm rooting for you serving this manchild a hot piping glass of your feelings.

/r/breakingmom Thread