A benevolent god as depicted in the Bible cannot exist

I think about this all the time and I'm not saying I have it all figured out yet but here is where I'm at. An all powerful God has no limits on his creation, and an all knowing God can see the outcome of any possible creation before he brings it to existence. Therefore, God had an infinite amount of creation possibilities/scenarios, and He allowed this exact one to happen and play itself out. He's approved everything that has happened and will happen in this universe. Now, my biggest question is how can he be an all loving God if he approved the idea that billions of souls will spend eternity in Hell? That I will never understand. What I've realized is that believing in God takes tremendous faith.

It takes faith to believe that God exists.

It takes faith to believe that God is perfect.

Why should one put their faith into those things when they can't be proven and might not make sense?

For me, it is the the hope of eternal paradise. My faith is driven by hope. You may call me a fool and you are not out of line to do so. I ask what the alternative is though? What do I have to lose if I'm wrong? If this all fades to black in the end, then so be it, but I want to put my faith in something that has potential to lead to something amazing.

/r/religion Thread