Best way to get a Finance/Accounting job in NYC if you are not located in NY.

Winter is also a cheaper time to find appts too. Theres more in the summer but there is more competition and higher prices.

Brooklyn used to the place transplants moved when they couldn't afford Manhattan. Ever since then rent has been on the rise. It really is a great place to live.

I love Manhattan, but I don't need it all the time. It's right next door and I am 1 stop away on the subway and right at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge that is good enough for me. The way one of my friends said it once, by moving to Brooklyn you don't lose Manhattan, you just gain Brooklyn. Basically saying people who live in Manhattan (more so transplants) tend to stay there and not really explore Brooklyn, where as Brooklynites are more inclined to explore both, including the other boroughs.

I love my job, work about 9:30-5 daily never to much stress. The money is good, make enough to live in a high rise (which is cheaper in downtown bk because they have so many as of late) Even got 2 months free with a 2 year lease signing.

Im assuming you're 24-27, obviously single and make around 50k (if you don't you will in NYC, just because of cost of living.) If I am right you will be a good fit for Bushwick (cheaper option but a lot of young artsy and creative types) Williamsburg (used to be hipster now its mostly yuppies) Crown Heights, Prospect Heights and Park Slope for Brooklyn. In Manhattan your best bet is the Upper East, but don't sleep on the Upper West around Columbia University. Frankly if I were to move out of Brooklyn it would be there. That or the West Village. Another place you should look is the East Village or Lower East Side. Those are where people go out mostly. Some people don't like to sleep where they party but if you like to, do that.

Plan on living with roommates. Even if the new job you get lets you afford to live on your own I think a year with a roommate could be good for you since you don't know anyone here. It will help you make a friend right away and introduce you to more people.

Also I dont know what Va is like in terms of online dating, from what I heard most dating sites in the burbs are all single mothers. That is not the case here, mostly everyone I know uses dating sites or found someone on dating sites if they didn't meet in college/hs or at work. I myself found my gf of 2 and some years online. I think just because the dating pool is bigger and a lot of people are busier here, that leads to online dating.

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