Best wrestling related joke you've ever heard?

Estranged from his family and down on is luck, Kota Ibushi has to find himself a 9-to-5 job to make ends meet. After looking for months and finding nothing suitable his money was running out. That's when as luck would have it he noticed a Help Wanted sign at the crafting/hardware store next to his gym. In an even bigger stroke of luck for him, the manager was a HUGE wrestling fan and hired him on the spot. The days turned into weeks and Ibushi was absolutely loving his job. He got to express his creativity while helping customers with project ideas, while still being close to the gym making it easy to stay in shape. Yep, life was going perfectly for Ibushi. He wasn't making much money, but ends were meeting and he was very happy. ...Until the unthinkable happened. One day on the way to the gym for his morning workout Ibushi's heart sank as he saw smoke billowing out of the hardware store. He ran in immediately to see if everything was okay and if anyone needed any help. It seems luck hadn't completely left Ibushi's side, as the fire wasn't as massive as the smoke had led him to believe. A faulty electrical outlet had just caught a hanging fabric display on fire, but the hardware side with the tens of thousands of dollars in power tools was untouched. As most of the store was fine, and money was tight, the manager asked Ibushi if he wouldn't mind sticking around and helping run the register so they could keep half of the store open while he cleaned up the mess in the canvas and fibre section at the front. Ibushi said he wouldn't mind, and even suggested opening a side door and using that as a main customer entrance while the cleanup happened out front. After an hour of rubberneckers looking at the fire, a real customer finally tried to enter the store. Ibushi kindly called out "I assure you we're open!" and directed the kind old man to the side door, meeting him there and ushering him to the hardware section. The old man, happy being served in such a kind manner, attempted to strike up a conversation with the ex-wrestling superstar. "Well, I suppose it could have been a lot worse" the old man said "at least your tool section isn't on fire as well. Heh heh." Kota looked at him angrily and said "OF COURSE NOT!" and walked away. Flabbergasted, the old man found the manager cleaning up out front and relayed what just happened. The manager nodded knowingly and said, "Yeah, I think you offended him. Kota knows his way around the canvas, but everyone knows he would never sell a burning hammer."

/r/SquaredCircle Thread