BF(30M) wants me to move in with him but wants me (26F) to pay 50% of the monthly mortgage payment

Uhm first of all I am paying rent and 50% of ALL expenses. My concern is that I don’t want to pay 50% mortgage payment that happens to be double my current rent for a house that I didn’t choose. I just want to live with my boyfriend. He is 4 years older than me so therefore has worked longer and saved more, in 4 years I will also be able to afford a house, but if my rent increases by so much more, I won’t be able to save for my house. I am very financially responsible and have good income too. He wasn’t paying this high rent when he was my age. Also, he is not giving up 50% of his house, where did you get that from? He can literally sell his house in the future and recover his money whereas I will get nothing and don’t even save enough for my own house.

Also, he is my boyfriend who loves me and wants to be with me, he is not my landlord lol

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