Bf’s expectations or me being insecure

"Last night he mentioned that a lot of women get even slimmer after having a child in his country, because there’s a lot of infrastructure where they can actively play with kids (playgrounds, pools, trampoline parks), so they naturally lose weight"

They get slimmer because there are playgrounds?

He does understand that a BABY does fuck all right?

He does understand that a BABY doesn't play in a playground right?

So his BS about women losing weight after having a baby doesn't make sense at all.

And that "joke" about you running to "bounce back".......FUCK OFF.

That wasn’t a "joke", That was him "testing the waters", it IS what he expects you to do.

"The way I see it is that he has unrealistic expectations based on social media moms that post pics of their abs while holding an infant"

The "problem" is that "normal" people don’t have a personal trainer available 24/7, or a chef, or a nanny.

And even if you do have those things at your disposal......WHY? You just gave birth to another human.

Relax, let your body heal.

But having said all that, it's not YOU......HE is the "problem".

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread