The Bible debunks evolution

As a Mennonite I agree with OP.

The world's science will endeavor to show you that they are in front of God. The Bible is so a long ways in front of man and science. This is one reason it is taboo in schools. For the Bible is the last specialist. The Bible is more than a book of do's and don'ts. It is book that was composed by God and is a long ways in front of man. The Bible is a science book. Exact inside and out. The Bible is a history book, precise all around.

Book of scriptures ahead of geographical science ! In the times of Moses it was shown that the earth was conveyed on an extraordinary huge solid man's back and when he sniffled this made a seismic tremor. Later as time went on it was instructed the earth was conveyed on the back of a turtle. Individuals additionally trusted that the earth was level and you could tumble off the edge of the earth.

Job 26:7 — "He stretcheth out the north over the void place, and hangeth the earth after nothing." Job composed this 3500 years back.

Isaiah 40:22 — "It is he that sitteth upon the hover of the earth, and the tenants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the sky as a shade, and spreadeth them out as a tent to abide in."

Science at last gotten up to speed in the 1500's, Magellan cruised the world over. Before Magellan and Columbus,people trusted that you could tumble off the edge of the earth. On the off chance that they would have perused their Bibles they would have understood that the earth was level and was held up by nothing.

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