Biden abruptly ends press conference and walks away when asked question about cancelling student loan debt

You mean the motherfucking kids who no showed the polls?

Why do people continue spreading this outright lie? You’re getting so worked up on straight up wrong information.

The young voters absolutely did show up. More so than they did in 2016. For 2020 the turnout was 53% of eligible youth voters, idk where the hell you are getting 33%. Even during the primaries the youth vote showed up more than in 2016. The youth vote also had more weight overall than last year, 17% of the overall vote as opposed to 16%.

It’s quite remarkable how many young people were encouraged to vote in 2020 yet people like you still continue discouragibg them and telling them they didn’t. Surprise surprise, the old people showed up too. Surprise surprise, the old people showed up in larger numbers than before too.

Bernie lost because of an extremely out of touch, dying demographic of our country.

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