Biden abruptly ends press conference and walks away when asked question about cancelling student loan debt

Well it would likely open the door to reforms towards how student loan debt and the cost of education overalls. It would certainly move the conversation forward.

It could set a precedent that would encourage more people to go to school if the government will forgive a portion of their debt in the future.

Of all the debt that Americans typically find themselves in it’s probably one of the easiest to justify forging to both sides of the aisle second probably only medical debt.

Why should a carpenter who chose not to go to college have their money go into a doctors pocket or someone with a degree that is likely to earn over 30k more a year.

Wether or not you went to college having an educated population/ workforce tends to benefit everyone. Not only woul it encourage more people to get an education but Erasing up to 50k in student debt would more likely help the students with lower income who likely will never be able to pay off their loans. Meanwhile the doctors and lawyers will still need to pay off a significant part of their debt.

It’s a forgiveness plan that’s targeted at lower income debt holders.

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