There is nothing "pro-life" about it

Oh dear, I guess I need to rub your nose in the shit you spew:

You don't care about the distinction

Since YOU think there IS a distinction between methods of impregnation, then the life and future of this "baby" simply isn't as important as you claim.

You admit you WOULD kill a baby if it met your arbitrary criteria. Even if it happened once in a million, YOU would KILL A BABY. Why is it any less of a baby if it was conceived by incestuous rape?

Who the fuck are you to decide which babies die and which women are forced to let them live? Are you god?

you care that babies be killed

No, you're the baby killer. If it suits. Hypocrite.

My position is clear, the method of impregnation is irrelevant, because a fetus is not a baby and it is always the woman's right to chose what to do with HER body - whether or not she was raped, her contraception failed or she just wanted to fuck for fun.

It's not up to me, nor you. And especially not the government.

Only one of us has a consistent, logical and reasonable view on this topic.

And it is not you. You need to look in the mirror and think long and hard about why you are willing to kill SOME babies.

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