Bill O'Reilly: Black people should wear "don't get pregnant at 14" shirts

Which discussion?

I'll post you the transcript from your new buddy. He was really reaching. Really wanted me to be Mexican. Still thinks I am. Here you go:

you're a homo. you're a faggot. you're a big gay baby with no life no dick expand allcollapse all

[–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 1 hour ago

The best part is that you've spent all of this time posting literal paragraphs a minute about the blacks. And then this gem:

"Let's look at Mexicans/Central Americans: come here with nothing, can't speak the language, most upwardly mobile group in the U.S. why? Self-reliance is a part of their ethos, education is revered, along with family." So just like black culture is responsible for their criminality, the Mexican, Colombian, and Venezuelan cultures must be pure fucking garbage for having some of the most corrupt, immoral, and murderous societies on the planet, right?

upwardly mobile. rofl.

education is revered. lmfao.

I know your type all too well. You think you're learning deep, insightful shit in general education classes, but really it was nothing more than high-school level bland generalization that you somehow missed growing up in your underserved joke of a community.

Do you have any idea what is going on in the minds of professors teaching a lower division class? "Heh, I can't believe these dumbfucks are eating this shit up." "How can a person be this stupid?" "Do you even fucking understand English? Obviously not." I bet you were a source of some pure comedy gold when earnestly participating and repeating platitudes. I wish I could've seen it. The majority of what is said in a GE class is coated with intense sarcasm because of how asinine the curriculum is.

I bet you were one of the guys bitching about how "hard" engineering is, even though they've slashed the curriculum down to nothing in order graduate enough of your "education revering" people, since computers make engineering a blue-collar trade.

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]to svager sent 50 minutes ago

Lol, wow, you mad bro?

So, to be clear, no critiquing black culture but "you're a homo. you're a faggot" totally cool.

And here in PM, you can call me retard as much as you'd like because you know LITERALLY nothing about me. And I want to emphasize LITERALLY nothing. I know that you want to establish that rapport so that I will give a shit when you call me a retarded faggot or whatever it is, but I am incapable of caring what you think.

Everything you presume you presume wrong. You're just writhing and grasping for something, anything, that will hit a nerve. But you can't. I don't know you, man. I am incapable of caring about your opinion of me because it's inherently ignorant.

Are you in college? Is that the repeated references to college courses? Ok, I understand where you're coming from. Yeah, engineering is a blue collar trade. And? Is there any substance to that point or just this frustrated drivel?

It's laughable how you paint Latin America. Have you been out of the U.S. at all? I really think you're simply lacking in a complete education. It's probably a lot to do with your inability to control your emotions. Your arguments lack substance, and you're way nicer on your alt account. Why not try, you know, cogent arguments?

What's going on with you that you're so worked up? What do you do for a living, or are you still in college? So far your just a wall of angry text. You have to make me care, but I just don't right now... permalinkfull comments

[–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 42 minutes ago

"i'm a homo. i'm a faggot. i'm a big gay baby with no life no dick" is famous copypasta, dumbass. I simply switched pronouns.

Might want to look up what literally literally means, because I literally know several of your opinions as expressed through Internet posting.

I obviously already hit a nerve, you oaf.

Is that the repeated references to college courses?

The entire original topic of discussion was college eductation, you fucking zero-attention-span retard. I'm sorry, did you have to take a siesta during this conversation? Too much work for you to keep up?

My representation of Latin America is still more accurate than yours of black culture, shitskin.

Your arguments lack substance, and you're way nicer on your alt account. Lmfao. You're literally insane. I bet you like bitcoin and believe in chemtrails too? Illuminati? No wonder you have such a pathetic lack of knowledge about how absolutely fucking minuscule what you know about any academic subject is. No self awareness. I'm still laughing IRL about "3–5 classes".

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]to svager sent 31 minutes ago



I guess I should look up literally yu huyck. Oh wikipedia how convenient? Man, there sure are some angry fucking people on reddit.

Yeah? Your accurate representation of Latin America is accurate because you said it's accurate? And was that a "spics are lazy" you threw in there? Man, you are literally just about black people then, huh? Gays, Latins, obviously whites, probably Asians, right? Can all just eat bags of dicks in reverence to the sanctity of the black people of earth. That's like, hardcore racist. I was getting called racist because I legitimately feel people misrepresent me, but man, you're just throwing slurs around. Old school racism. Dang, that shit is ugly.


Well, new topic, according to the title here is let me see... re: you're a homo. you're a faggot. you're a big gay baby with no life no dick

Or bitcoin now? Chemtrails? I mean, that's really reaching now. Tried the latin thing too, gay thing, going for all the marbles. This is a great sentence.

No wonder you have such a pathetic lack of knowledge about how absolutely fucking minuscule what you know about any academic subject is Wow, and on the kill shot too! Ending with the preposition, and let's be real it's not half legible any way. I mean, fuck, that is a monstrosity of a sentence right there, almost as ugly as your old school racism. Yeah, so you've proven to be a complete waste of time, and now I am going to head to sleep, but feel free to PM me all the hateful silly bullshit you'd like, and pretend I am that fat, gay, ugly, Latin-white guy you hate so much. Lord knows you need the outlet.

Good night!

permalinkfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 26 minutes ago

Ending with the preposition, and let's be real it's not half legible any way. That's a verb, not a preposition. And that's a grammatically correct sentence, but it just might be a little bit too hard for a cretin like yourself. Try marking the boundaries of the separate clauses with a pencil. Heh, retarded foreigners who think they know English despite reading at a 9th grade level are funny.

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 25 minutes ago

Absolutely astonishing the complete lack of logical thinking you spics are born with. So "blacks commit a huge amount of crime" is a legitimate critique by itself, but criticizing the fucking ridiculous amount of crime in several Latin American states is "not understanding a complex issue". Lmfao.

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 22 minutes ago Funny how you think I would dislike Asians as if you are at all similar. Asian Americans fucking despise your kind.

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 18 minutes ago And as an actual white person, I'm laughing at you. I still can't believe you tried to call Hispanics a successful immigrant group in the US. Hispanics test on average to have a significantly lower IQ, just like the fucking blacks. Hispanics commit a disproportionately higher amount of crime, just like the fucking blacks.

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]to svager sent 16 minutes ago

Lol, dude, I am not fucking Latin. Like, really, you're this racist? Are you just trying to get me to call you a nigger? Is that why you keep trying to find the race key? Get over it man. Your argument is "you're a homo faggot". You're borderline illiterate -- defending that sentence was, I mean, come on, really? -- and you're just really, really angry. I don't know but do you think it's because you're black? Shit, have to try and get to the bottom somehow. But for serious, you're getting blocked so make another account if you want to PM me all your idiocy.

permalinkfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 14 minutes ago

You are obviously not a native English speaker if you couldn't figure out that sentence. And you're already said you're from Latin America you fucking dirt person. You're pretty much the same as black.

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 13 minutes ago

And apparently you can't even read what I sent, because "you're a homo you're a faggot you're a big gay baby with no life no dick" is a joke

permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments [–]from svagerReal POS; Alt Account [-15] sent 12 minutes ago

You're fucking pathetic that you're trying to claim whiteness now as some sort of inherent property you have when earlier you were such a believer in culture. Hispanic culture is nigger culture.

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