Billionaires donating 25million is still better than anything you will ever do in your life despite how much you want to discourage them.

The point is they can give so much more. Yes we're thankful they're donating anything at all but them donating only as little as 25 million (and yes, it is little, it is not to you or me but it's little to them. That's the point) it just confirms people's views on billionaires as hoarders of wealth.

People like Bezos and Gates make more money than they can literally burn. They make about as much money the average American will see in their lifetimes in probably less than a day. It is absurd. Ballmer has almost certainly already made back his 25 million he donated.

So yes, thank them for donating, but it's also perfectly fine to chastise them for donating more. Because they so easily could.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread