Black Leftist protester calls Whites "Superior"

This is my school and there are so many people like this. They’re indoctrinated by profs as well. I dropped a 45 min sociology lecture because the professor would rant about potus for 20 minutes and waste half the class.

There’s a huge divide between those who come from slightly upper middle class and above backgrounds versus those who attend with financial aid. I’ve lived and am friends with both types, and those who are not here on financial aid are mostly conservative. There’s a lot of fear in discussing politics on campus as well, because nobody will listen or have thoughtful discussion. It’s just “You disagree with me, you are an evil horrible Nazi”. Professors also behave like this. They’re in their own echo chamber.

My previous roommates were horrible to me so I’m going to say one petty thing: The lefties I’ve lived with truly hated men but clung to the coattails of guys in fraternities. I started dating a guy and they didn’t give him the time of day, but once they found out he had been a fraternity president a year before, they wanted to be his best friend.

My boyfriend and I wanted to go to see Shapiro but I heard some of my profs would be there protesting and I didn’t want to get docked points. I was in another part of Los Angeles and the tickets were out as well so I figured it wasn’t worth the drive.

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