Blender Render bad, Cycles and Eevee good

Then what is it? And I know that eevee doesn't like glass or transparency, that's why I'm proud of what I've done here using Freznel nodes. The ashtray is shit, but I didn't want to work on it anymore. And if this is the response from a community that should support each other, then it will never be seen by the people I made it for. I mean, I didn't even use light probes or reflection cubemaps. I would've given you credit for saying I should have used flip fluids or the ice cubes don't float, but when talking about the details of textures/models. I don't know what to tell you guys... That is a real photo of a cigar wrap and wood table that was used properly for texturing. Normal, Occlusion, Specular, and Displacement maps were all used. The only thing cycles could've done better imo, is path tracing, which is unnecessary at times, if you are going for something that is realistic, NOT PHOTO-realistic.

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