Blue states tend to side with Bernie, Red states with Hillary [OC]

Here's an idea. Lets just cut every public benefit ever created. Every single one.

What do you think happens next?

Catastrophe. That's what. You want riots in the street? You want buildings being burned to the ground all over the country 24/7? You want stores being robbed?

When people go hungry, they don't just lay down and die.

Now maybe, you're just one of those people that nitpicks on the idea of single-payer healthcare, makes generalized claims about how it's the "major driver of debt" in Europe (it's not - who are you trying to kid?) all because you're in a perfectly fine situation yourself and you don't give a fuck about the rest of us. But something tells me that you're one of those people that thinks any government assistance program is bullshit. So read it and weep - government assistance is a necessity in a capitalist society. Even the ruling elite will tell you that, if they're being honest - because they know in all actuality their asses are toast if they get rid of it.

All manner of countries field completely socialized healthcare, have equal or better outcomes than we do, and pay half or better per capita. Don't try to make it seem like America is somehow different - it's not. It's the same fucking thing. It's just that insurance companies, and stock investors, have so much fucking money tied up in this bullshit insurance system, that NOBODY in our government has the balls to put an end to it.

We get ONE candidate who wants to put an end to it, and what does he do? He reneges. He pussies out, because he's an elite class prick, schooled in the halls of ivy with all of his politician friends, bought and paid for by the major corporations. We get another candidate - one more - who wants to put an end to it...and people like you still can't get it through your thick skull the only reason single-payer healthcare is painted in a negative light is because a few jackass CEOs and their boards of investment can't bear to lose their easy paychecks.

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