The Bold Guy Conspiracy - The real reason behind why Matthosszone is suing H3H3

I hear you and I thought about that as well but I don't think that's the case at all. He's going straight for the cash that's all he wants is the money. With or without this whole incident it wouldn't make some huge impact on his stats, well stats yes but would it make him money? No. He's the most hated youtuber right now probably and that whole thing "bad publicity is still publicity" just doesn't apply I think. He's not doing this for publicity because it wouldn't make any sense he already has a video that has like 10 million views and he has over 100k subs so if his goal was to bring attention or traffic well it actually will only hurt him because he's going to lose a lot of subs I bet and no one will care. Honestly MattHossZone is already a successful as far as being a youtuber and I guess popular depends on your perception of what that is he does have a lot of subs. This is a straight money cash grab and also another thing I want to point out is that if he was doing this for the publicity etc then you would be seeing Matt Hoss speaking out or making a video or some kind of response on it but I bet you anything his lawyers adviced him a long time ago to keep his mouth shut and just stay in the shadows. This whole thing has been planned out and calculated it's just a money grab he's just trying to straight up get money and I mean if he wins the case he could possibly get more money than all the money he has made from his channel. Ethan said that the ad revenue from that video was like in the hundreds so I would say like 500 dollars maximum was made from that video who knows but the lawsuit is so fucking crazy if matt hoss wins the case he would be bringing in some money that's why this is all so fucked up. Bold guy's channel wouldn't go any further than it is now anyways I mean over the years it could grow but only very slowly I think because all his videos are the same it looks like, just him as the main star in his own delusional fantasy life that he wants people to believe about him, hot chicks, he works out and does parkour, he's such a badass and so bold and fearless a true inspiration and human being... lies. i bet you that bold guy won't make a single response and will stay hidden in the shadows because he just wants the money. this guy matt hoss is fucking delusional, the kind of delusional that is stable and functional in society and is probably just a normal dude for the most part but it's like an acceptable delusion, kind of like how you know some people who just seem like regular people but if you bring up something specific that they are extremely passionate about then you will see that delusional trainwreck of thoughts come out and matt hoss's delusion is that he actually thinks he's some kidn of badass and make that video that ehtan and hila created made him snap out of it and broke his delusion which fucked him up and he was so outraged and mad he wanted to do whatever he could so i bet he went to a lawyer and the lawyer wants to make money too so they teamed up and put together this fucking insane lawsuit that is actually going to go to court. this whole #wtfu is about to blow up for sure and you won't hear matt hoss say a goddamn thing about it because i bet you he's smart enough to know that it's fucked up and bs which is why he won't come out of the shadows and in fact i bet matt hoss will upload a new video in the next few weeks and it will just be some parkour video with some girl in it with a nice ass. i'm not even going to edit this or wahtever fuck it yolo send pap bless 420 vape naysh cures cancer and all the gamer girls out ther eneed to go home

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