This has been a battle since he came to live here....I've begged him not to eat in his room...I'm more often then not laying down so he's got the entire house to himself....he's got a dining room table , bar type seating in the kitchen a screened in porch with tables and chairs....we've had to treat bugs in his bathroom and bedroom because of the food......he orders from doordash (I am a driver when I can) and instead of throwing the food in a trash can he stuffs the wrappers in his dresser? Dirty dishes in his dresser? This is normal teenage behavior?!?!? My husband has tried talking to him too and we even bought paper plates and plastic forks and knives so all he had to do was throw it away.........I just talked to him about being clean and tighty on Monday....we asked him to clean his room and do his laundry and he did NOTHING !!! We have tried not being "up his ass" about being clean and this is what happened.....he never listens to anything I have to say or his dad....he doesn't even bathe but afew times a week! I've tried talking to him about that as well and he just stares at me with a blank look on his face. He plays like he's stupid...he'll say he doesn't know or he forgot which I know are lies!
The stress is getting to be too much and if the only advice is going to be to deal with it, he's a teenager and this is what teenagers do, I guess I'll have to move out because it's wearing me down big-time!!!! The filth in his room isn't healthy