Bored, entitled SJW college students at Berkley decide preventing other students from getting to class is a good idea.

Liberals believe in taking care of themselves in the same way that conservatives believe in taking care of themselves, the difference is how they go about it.

What I don't see, is conservatives asking for special allowances.

There are problems with both ideologies, I've never once said there isn't.

It's simply my opinion that liberalism and the feminization of men in America, is a greater problem than conservatism is at the present moment.

What I don't see a lot of on Reddit or other liberal leaning media outlets, is a call for personal responsibility.

Take the weed/welfare conversation a few years back. Congress was thinking of imposing a drug test for all welfare recipients. Naturally, you'd think people would want to make sure the tax dollars they give to the government were going to people that were putting it to good use right?

Wrong. How dare the government do that. Instead, we should drug test all congressmen!! Haha that'll show em. How dare they try to take our weed AND our welfare money?! This was reddit's exact response to this issue in almost every thread.

That is exactly how liberals see every issue. How dare someone inconvenience me or ask me to grow up.

Want a better example? Take Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow. Take a close look at how they react to situations.

It's always an emotional appeal.

Jon Stewart is very intelligent when it comes to political hypocracy, but look at his response to the Michael Brown shooting.

Here we have someone caught on camera robbing a convenience store, then PUNCHING the owner, and then outside was confronted by police to which he responded by trying to grab the officer's gun and then charging him.

But despite everything he did, suddenly he was refered to as an "angel that was out spreading the word of jesus"

A kind, gentle soul. That we just so happen to have on camera being a blatant thug.

It's no secret that reddit hates cops. The same cops who, they call when a criminal steals their precious macbook.

But rather than blame the criminal, liberals will then say "I blame white men for oppressing all these poor innocent criminals into stealing my laptop".

Or when their art history degree fails to land them a job, rely heavily on the charity of others.

This is simply a fact of life in america. If you don't see it everyday, it's because you choose not to.

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