Bored, entitled SJW college students at Berkley decide preventing other students from getting to class is a good idea.

God. I hate far right and far left wingers. I seriously loathe the cunts. I guess because I'm politically centre and I lean left or right on certain issues... But as a gay person or rather "A minority" we don't act all like that. Californian gays are known to act similar to this. Privilege this, privilege that. Grow the fuck up. It's infuriating it brings nothing to the conversation. You talking/mentioning about privilege will not make me change my mind, nor does it bring anything to the conversation, other than you telling the world how hard done by you are.. No one likes a debbie downer.

Apparently its similar to minority groups such as Hispanics and Blacks by the contents of this video.

Thinking about what I wrote, I guess I am a libertarian. Can British people be libertarian? I'll have to check. Let me live my life, you live yours, the government keep the fuck out of my life... don't make laws on your individual morality on how you think individuals should act, dress, what have you. Do any drugs you want, say any word, even if its not politically correct, as long as you're not hurting anyone or intimating/harassing/bullying I don't care. FAGGOT, FAGGOT, FAGGOT!! SOOOOO OFFENSIVE. As a white British homosexual, I better check my privilege. It's a good sounding fuckin word, no gay who experienced homophobic bullying who demands I stop using the word will stop me from using it. Fuck who you want. I don't care. Leave me alone. These guys are so obnoxious. Freedom is a absolute, you are either for or against. No in-between. These guys are the worst for blocking someone's ability to use their freewill to move freely and having the right to not listen to their bullshit. They need to check their privilege.

Sorry to everyone who sees all "Minorities" die hard liberals. We're not. Some of us are not mentally retarded.

/Rant over

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