Boyfriend[27] is slacking as the breadwinner. Making me anxious and desperate for cash to the point where I want to go back to prostitution. What to do?

Honestly?? Break up with your boyfriend. He sounds generous and nice, and he probably deserves way better than a girlfriend who sleeps with rando's for cash behind his back just so she can get some drinks at the bar.

You sound like you're irresponsible with money; not to mention the whole guy being the breadwinner idea being outdated as hell. Eating out and going to the bar when you have to prostitute to even afford it? Blaming your boyfriend for being down on his luck than betraying him to suck off some dude's dick for $30 bucks THEN going to kiss your boyfriend on he mouth immediately after??

You sound trashy, and your boyfriend would probably be better off if you took your trashiness elsewere.

/r/relationships Thread