Boyfriend of 6 years shows no signs of financial stability, and I'm depressed

  • I expect I'll be the main breadwinner in my relationship for a while due to the nature of my career path and my partner's.
  • She's super frugal and can stretch a dollar and that's an important contribution to financial stability too
  • I don't super care, I'm also the main breadwinner of my life by myself and I've never expected someone else to make money for me. I have disability insurance through work AND have my own disability insurance so I'd make basically the same in the event I had to take extended time off work. I also invest like 1/3 of what I make and have 26 weeks of income saved as an emergency fund so I'm self insured while those go through.
  • I don't agree that "love options for women 30+" are so scarce that you should stay in a relationship that isn't working for you.
  • I would choose someone I love over someone who makes as much money as me or more but I don't love, yes. I've lived on 12k a year while in grad school and I make like 10 times that now, and while my life is easier now I don't really think I'm ten times happier, I'm the rare person who fucking loved grad school.
  • Thinking about I'm not sure I'm "career-oriented"? Like I'm still hungry for knowledge and technical competency, but if anyone tries to make me a manager I will cry, and I value WLB over anything else in a job.
  • I'd rather be single than in a relationship where I'm worried about "the dating market".
/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread