Boyfriend constantly nagging me to go to the gym

Ok girl. It sounds like from some of your comment replies that you had a bit of an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise before. I’ve been there 100%. I will tell you that if you are dating a guy who has pretended to “support” you recovering from unhealthy habits, and then turns around and tells you that you don’t look good enough anymore, DROP. HIM. I dated a guy in high school while I was recovering from anorexia and bulimia (I’m not saying you had these, but I did and the dude I dated acted the same way as yours) and he was sOoOoO “supportive” of me recovering, telling me to eat more, to stop ordering salads with no dressing, to finish all my food etc. and I’m a small person, so when I gain weight it shows quite quickly (the reason I fell into the EDs) and he immediately flipped a switch when I went from 105 lbs to 115 lbs.... He’d be on me to go to the gym, he’d start giving me dirty looks when I ate and started calling me thick (5’3 115 lbs, yeah so thick lol). It was verbal abuse and manipulation, straight up. No ones body looks the same for their whole lives. You’ve already compromised by starting to go to the gym after having no previous routine before him. You’re happy with your weight. The fact that he’s criticizing the self care habits that work best for YOU, is wrong. I don’t expect my current boyfriend to learn photography and go out shooting with me every day just because it’s my hobby. And he doesn’t expect me to learn how to play video games four times a week just because it’s his hobby. That’s not how partnership works. You’ve already compromised by trying it out and implementing your own routine, you’ve found your own healthy balance. He has a problem with the looks? Drop him. Your SO should NEVER criticize your looks when you are healthier and happier than before. If he does, he is definitely not worth your time...

/r/relationship_advice Thread